Tuesday 18 June 2024

You seem to share the view as with other right wing idealogues...

Nathan has left a new comment on the post 'Polling Pales':

 "Unfortunately their opinions - at least as expressed by this poll - do not point towards anything peaceful"

Perhaps you have a very narrow point of view. I am sure they would love to live in peace, like anyone else.
You should also consider the demographics of the area. I would think the polling is not very representative of the majority, given more than 40% are under 18.

Also, given the specific nature of the question (regarding the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia) you are extrapolating a long way to hatred and 'not anything peaceful'

But given your appreciation of the complexity of this conflict and your reference to jerks like Richard Hanania it's not surprising.

How you can consider what Israel is doing as contributing to peace I cannot understand. You seem to share the view (as with other right wing idealogues) that as soon as someone is labelled terrorist you can murder your way to success. It's just messed up.

WMC: You'll need to think a bit about why this got spammed before posting more. If you have questions, you should ask them here.

And another:

Nathan has left a new comment on the post 'Polling Pales':

"It does seem that these people are motivated by hatred"
This is racism. You need to work on this.
Stop promoting racist ideas

Tuesday 5 March 2024

You're a lazy racist who indulges in victim blaming

 Nathan has left a new comment on the post 'The parable of the Antheap and the Anteater':

Your appeasement of genocide is ugly.
You're a lazy racist who indulges in victim blaming.
How dare you blame children for Hamas.

How can you say people deserve to die because they won't repudiate terrorism.
What sort of logic is this??

Who are you, that you can blame people for the faults of others and say they deserve to be starved to death.

Nathan has left a new comment on the post 'The parable of the Antheap and the Anteater':

So how many were there?

These are the numbers

"At least 112 people died and 760 were injured on Thursday when desperate crowds gathered to collect flour."

You live in some sort of fucked up fantasy land, where quibbling about exact numbers makes for rational discussion.

As we say in Australia: You're a dickhead, pull your head in

Any point of view that accepts starving people to death deliberately as a fair outcome is pretty fucked up

Nathan has left a new comment on the post 'The parable of the Antheap and the Anteater':

"The people who do need such courage are the Palestinians, and sadly they appear to either lack it, or worse lack the desire to repudiate Hamas, or the dead hand of their history."

I am amazed by your lack of campassioon, unwillingness to acknowledge history and your blatant racism when discussing this issue.

Your racism needs to be called out, especially as you use it to justify the actions of the Israelis.

Here's some classic examples:

Arabs hate Jews... Racist and not-provable

Arabs can't form stable Governemnts... Racist and obviously wrong

Muslim Faith leaders cannot comment on morality.... Racist and not-provable

Egypt should accommodate Palestinian Refugees (with an emphasis on blaming them for not volunteering... Basically racist and ignores the obvious

Palestinians are responsible for the actions of Hamas... Racist and supporting war crimes.

I probably get that you don't understand the racism, but it pretty obvious.
Especially, when you tone police your blog, while at the same time promote racist writers.

lastly this: This is not true; as so often, the desire to speak words and be noticed isn't matched by a commitment to reality.

Is total denial of reality - there were almost 1000 casualties, there was clearly thousands of people attempting to get food, and the Israelis clearly fired at them.

Sunday 1 January 2023

Just to keep the spirit of your valetes

Anonymous said...

Re Victor Venema, just to keep the spirit of your valetes to dead climate "scientists", good riddance to the thin-skinned, xenophobic, ridiculously politically correct tosser! He won't be missed by many people

01/01/2023, 15:28 

Thursday 23 April 2020

So surprised you haven't posted a heageography

Graeme said...

So surprised you haven't posted a heageography of hoaxer-in-chief Sir John Houghton. Are you slacking? Or is living the preferred eco lifestyle getting to you?

22/04/2020, 20:54

To which I reply: oh, FFS, can't you idiots even manage to spell hagiography correctly?

Thursday 30 May 2019

Congress is Pissed

Or so says CIP. This is vis-a-vis Mueller vs Trump. I said:

In Merrie Englande, "pissed" means drunk. Having said that...
I think Mueller is belatedly realised he kinda fucked up and now wants a second go. But what to make of "Mueller explained that his decision was based on longstanding justice department policy, rather than lack of evidence. “A president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office,” he said. “That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view – that too is prohibited.”" (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/29/mueller-says-trump-was-not-exonerated-by-his-investigation). That sounds like bollox to me. Plenty of people (waves hands vaguely) were fully expecting and hoping that Mueller would indeed charge The Mango; only *now* claiming there is a clear policy not to do so sounds like excuse making.
Congress has I think got using to buying cheap popularity with pork and ducking hard decisions, which is why so much power has bled away to the presidency. This is not what your founders intended.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Talking about "The Green New Deal And A Universal Basic Income" with Thomas Fuller

TF posts The Green New Deal And A Universal Basic Income; I commented the below. Let's see how the discussion goes.

This is doomed in so many ways (I say that as someone definitely interested in an UBI, and perhaps even a supporter of it).
> but few would argue we are doing enough
I think you’re wrong. I think many people would (in the sense of proportion of those-that-bother-to-even-think-about-it). Also, I’d guess your averages hide a lot.
> a permanent net loss of positions
A bit like when farming was mechanised. Or when spinning was. Oh, but this time is different… And who knows, maybe it is. But I’m dubious.
> primary premises of The Green New Deal is “Guaranteeing a job with…
I think this is a bad idea and it’s one of the reasons that I oppose the GND. But then I’m a small-govt person.
> endorsement by us for
You speak in the plural. Who is “us”?
> sovereign wealth fund
You don’t have a SWF because you don’t have a budget surplus, you have a (massive, by world standards) deficit. If you could raise extra income through magic free taxes, there would be pressure to (a) pay down the deficit; but also (see recent politics) to give out freebies and/or cut other taxes.
> it wouldn’t take long …. By 2030 we could have a nice nest egg built up
Sorry, but this is where you get delusional. Can you genuinely imagine a large nest egg building up, and your rapacious pols not raiding it for their own pet pork projects?

Saturday 5 January 2019

CIP tilts against Public Choice, again

People don't like Public Choice. The name, incidentally, is a touch weird, but never mind. It's just a name. When you know what it's a label for, you know what it is. It is associated in my mind with James M. Buchanan; and it came to my attention during the Democracy in Chains nonsense. In a way, it is just the bleedin' obvious; in much the same way that natural selection is. But the implications - towards smaller government - are strongly resisted by all those who don't want smaller government.

Which brings us to CIP's take on Public Choice (arch, which doesn't include the comments), which is is reaction to my The left has no theory of the behaviour of the government?

I assert that Plato is the archetypical believer in the virtues of govt, and ignorer of public choice. CIP asserts
Plato and Confucius were very familiar with governments behaving badly, and had elaborate theories for how to prevent or limit the damage. You may need to reread your Republic [Hint: prevent or limit conflicts of interest].
I reply:
If Plato is aware of the PC / P-A problem in the Republic, then please quote chapter and verse. I assert that he is unaware of it. Prove me wrong by direct quotation.
I await his response.