Thursday 1 November 2018

CIP: Of Course Trump is to Blame (for the bombings): terrorism and trolling

CIP got wound up about the recent "bombings". Partly because he discovered he could blame Trump, somewhat implausibly in my view. I said:
If he's to blame for the "bombings" (which weren't actually bombings since none of them went off) he's to blame for something very dull. Except the meeja always overplay anything with bombs, because they're kinda sexy. 
> modern American has acquired such a potent appetite for this truly disgusting human being 
Indeed. But Trump isn't to blame for that, the modern USAnians are.
CIP wasn't happy, so I expanded:
> deprecate every crime 
I don't. As you've maybe noticed, I've said nothing about the recent shootings, because real people actually died. 
Unlike the "bombings", where no-one died; and where the intended targets wouldn't have been affected even if the bombs had been real. It was terrorism, in the sense of attention-grabbing; more trolling than real terrorism (compare the inches of column coverage you, and your meeja, gave it compared to the recent Afghan bombings where yet more real people actually died). DNFTT.
People are so easily trolled by bombings. We're the same.

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